Soricha offers various reward program.
Reach 100+points of reward and enjoy Soricha's reward benefits.
Reach 100+points of reward and enjoy Soricha's reward benefits.
This is Soricha from Annandale.
We just started rewards program since this month. Become a Sorichalian
(Soricha membership) and you will receive many benefits Soricha offers.
If you reach 100+point of reward, you will be a Soricha's green member automatically.
Reach your next reward and enjoy the benefits Soricha offers!
This is Soricha from Annandale.
We just started rewards program since this month. Become a Sorichalian
(Soricha membership) and you will receive many benefits Soricha offers.
If you reach 100+point of reward, you will be a Soricha's green member automatically.
Reach your next reward and enjoy the benefits Soricha offers!
Learn How To Earn CUPS (Soricha Rewards Point)!
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