2022.10.25 Tue 7:30pm
Soricha Tea& Theater in Annandale V.A <G-Hwaja music band concert> G-Hawaja performs creative music through a collaboration of Western and Korean traditional instruments. The group seeks to express the emotions of the times in a dramatic way by utilizing the uniquely expressive characteristics of Korean traditional music - particularly its sense of excitement known as Hueng and the bittersweet sense of grief known as Han - to deliver familiar music with new emotional dimensions. Since its creation, G-Hwaja had its first performance at the John F Kennedy Center in Washington D.C! Program: 1.Birds song (새타령) 2.Driming ariramg (꿈꾸는 아리랑) 3.Autumn Leaves 4.Spring of the hometown(고향의 봄) 5.Via Dolorosa 6.bountiful harvest song( 풍년노래) 7.Fly me to the moon 8.Liber Tango9.Arirang medly(아리랑 메들리) Player& Vocal : Junghee Oh 오정희 (Gayageum Byeong-Chang, Vocal 가야금병창, 보컬) Grace Leekyung Kang 강리경 (Haegeum해금) You Shin Kim 김유신 (Keyboard, Composition, Arrangement 키보드, 작곡, 편곡) Song Eun Shin 신송은 (25 Strings Gayageum 25현 가야금) Woosung Jung 정우성 (Daegeum 대금) memo: This October 25th, fusion Korean traditional music group G -HWAJA will visit Washington D.C for another event. So Anandale Soricha invited them to hold a small concert. In this performance, you will see a new performance that combines Korean traditional instruments with syndy and fusion music. Although it is a short notice, If you have a chance please come and heal yourself ^^. This event is a subsidiary organization of the Washington Sorichung Korean Music Institute. The fee is used to donate to SORIN, a non-profit Korean American cultural foundation. Thank you for your interest. 이번 10월 25일 다른 행사차 워싱턴 D.C 를 방문하시는. 퓨전 한국. 전통 음악 그룹 지화자 그룹을 모시고 애난데일 소리차에서 국악의 향연을 열고자 합니다. 이번 행사는 워싱턴 소리청 한국음악원의 산하 단체인 - SORIN - 비영리 문화 재단의 후원금으로 사용됩니다. 많은 분들의 관심 부탁드립니다.
Washington San-jo
performed by Korean Traditional Music Artists from Korea and Washington Sorichung DATE: MON, NOV. 18th, 2019 TIME: 6:30 Door Open (6;30-7;15 Tea Time)/ 7:30pm Start PLACE: Sorichung & Soricha Theater 7112 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 Ticket Price: Single for 1 $15 (Entrance only) | 1 $20 (Included Drinks) / Family pack for 4 $50 (Entrance only) Single for 1 $100 (includes everything and first line seating) TICKET: http://www.soricha.com/store/c5/CONCERT_TICKET.html SORICHA.COM / WASHINGTONSORICHUNG.ORG Donation: https://www.washingtonsorichung.org/sorin-corp.html More info: http://www.soricha.com/performance-intro KOR. 워싱턴 소리청 산하재단인 소리인 워싱턴 한국문화재단의 후원의밤 음악회 '워싱턴 산조' 에 여러분을 모십니다.오는 11월 18일 월요일 저녁 7:30에 애난데일 소재 소리차& 소리청 전통극장에서 갈라쇼를 가지게 되였습니다. 한국에서 모시는 3분의 국악인, 그리고 워싱턴 소리청과 함게 진행되는 이날 공연에는 경기민요, 가야금, 피리, 판소리, 민요 연곡 등의 공연을 즐겨 보실수 있습니다.이날의 도네이션비용과 이사회비와 티켓비용은 모두 후원금으로 처리되며 ,텍스 혜택을 받으실수있는 페이퍼 작성을 해드립니다. 모금된 기금은 2020년도 제3회 소리인 문화재단 공연 기금으로 사용됩니다. 항상 응원해주시는 여러분들께 감사의 말씀 드립니다. ENG. We invite you to the Washington San-jo, sponsored by SoriN Corp Washington Korean Cultural Foundation,On Monday, November 18th at 7:30 pm, we had a gala show at the Soricha & Sorichung Traditional Theater in Annandale.You can enjoy performances such as Gyeonggi Minyo Folk Song, Gayageum, pIri- Korean traditional flute, Pansori, and Folk Songs on this day with Korean traditional music and the Washington Sorichung The donation fee, board fee, and ticket cost of the day are all treated as donations, and we will prepare a paper for you to receive the tex benefits. The funds raised will be used to fund the 3rd SoriN Cultural Foundation performance in 2020. Thank you for always supporting us. ATTENTION !! RSVP ( Please!! ) 주차는 반듯이 소리차 건너편 미국 교회에 해주시기 바랍니다. Make sure to park at church across the Soricha tea & theater. DATE: WED, JULY. 17th, 2019 TIME: 7pm Door Open (Tea Time)/ 7:30pm PLACE: Sorichung & Soricha Theater 7112 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 Ticket Price: Single for 1 $15 (Entrance only) | 1 $20 (Included Drinks) / Family pack for 4 $50 (Entrance only) KOR JULY 17th 2019. 7:30PM ~ 8:15 PM KOREAN FEVER: RETURNS BY Rami Seo's World Music Ensemble @SORICHA & SORICHUNG THEATER IN ANNANDALE, VA Korean Fever: Returns performed by Rami Seo World Music Ensemble RSVP Rami Seo's Project World Music Ensemble was founded in 2007 by Rami Seo, master of the traditional Korean 12-string zither and 25-string zither, also known as the gayageum. Rami Seo brought together like-minded masters of iconic instruments from diverse world music traditions to create captivating multicultural music that transcends any single style or genre. For this Washington DC tour, four members of the group will participate in this concert: Rami Seo (gayageum), Hyunsoo Ji (keyboard), SAE (guitar), and Sound of Spring (vocals). The group will perform various genres of music including jazz, classic, and K-pop that are created by focusing on Korean traditional music. KOR: The audience will have time for reflection and healing while enjoying traditional and creative music during a beautiful summer night. DATE: Mon, JAN. 7th, 2019 TIME: 6:30pm PLACE: Soricha & Sorichung Theater 7112 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 Ticket Price: Single for 1 $20/ Family pack for 4 $50 NOTE:Washington Soricha presents A pansori recital featuring Saebom Shin Pansorist Saebom Shin offers her rendition of pansori, a traditional Korean vocal music, in this New Year performance. Ms. Shin performs danga: Sacheolga, Pansori: Chunhyang-ga& Simcheong-ga, Poet:Jinee Hwang’s Longing for the Moon, and the Folk song: Taepyung-ga. ABOUT THE ARTIST.Shin saebom is a musician and singer who majored in Pansori, a genre of traditional Korean music. From early childhood, she had an interest in traditional Korean music and started learning Pansori. She had learned a variety of songs like Chunhyang-ga, Simcheong-ga, and such under several notable singers. She won numerous awards in many prestigious national Pansori competitions, including Dong-A Traditional Korean Music Competition. After completing her studies in Seoul National University, she has been active as a singer not just in the field of Pansori but also various genres of music. As a member of World music group Yoonseul project, she appeared on lots of stages and concerts in Korea, including at Maria Callas Hall in Seoul and World Music Market APaMM Choice Showcase in Ulsan. She also released several albums, including ‘Spring—Sacheolga Part 1.’ Through her songs, you can feel and experience traditional Korean music in a new perspective. GO TO BUY TICKETS: SORICHA.COM KOR: 2019년 새해를 맞아 워싱턴소리청에서 주최하는 신새봄 판소리 발표회가 오는 1월7일 월요일 저녁6시30분에 애난데일 소재 워싱턴소리차극장에서 펼쳐집니다. 한국의 전통창법으로 노래하는 소리꾼 신새봄은 [전통, 창작을 통해 말하다] 라는 주제로 단가 , 판소리 , 민요 , 한시등 한국 전통 소리장르를 넘나들며 대중과 함께 호흡하기 위한 새로운 방식의 음악적 교류를 선보일 예정입니다. 특히 한국은 물론 미국에서 선보일 새로운 곡들도 초연됩니다. 이번 발표회의 프로그램으로는 황진이의 시조 '동짓달 기나긴 밤을' 과 '어져 내일이야' 를 바탕으로 임에대한 그리움을 달에 비유하여 새롭게 김진수씨가 작곡한 [저달의 그리움], 단가로[ 사철가], 판소리로 [심청가 중 눈뜨는 대목]과 [춘향가 쑥대머리], 민요로 [태평가]가 있습니다. 한국전통창법으로 부르는 다양한 장르의 곡을 통해 전통소리란이 무엇인가를 보다 깊이 느껴볼 수 있는 시간이 될 것입니다. 한국에서 온 소리꾼 신새봄씨, 뉴욕에서 가야금연주자 및 기획자로 활동하고 있는 서라미씨가 함께 합니다. 공연에 관련된 사항은 워싱턴 소리차극장 전화) 703-642-0020/ 웹사이 https://www.soricha.com 또는 https://www.washingtonsorichung.org 이메일 [email protected] / [email protected] 으로 문의하시기 바랍니다. 2.15 2024 Korean Music Concert, Gayageum Byeongchang & Geomungo
It is regural seat in the space. We are accepting donations for this performance. The event funds will be used to fund the 2024 cultural event sponsored by the SoriN , Korean America Cultural Foundation and hosted by the Washington Sorichung Korean Music institute. 2.15 Korean Music Concert, Gayageum Byeongchang & Geomungo
It is first line on the space. We are accepting donations for this performance. The event funds will be used to fund the 2024 cultural event sponsored by the SoriN , Korean America Cultural Foundation and hosted by the Washington Sorichung Korean Music institute. 2.15 Korean Music Concert, Gayageum Byeongchang & Geomungo (donation)
We are accepting donations for this performance. The event funds will be used to fund the 2024 cultural event sponsored by the SoriN , Korean America Cultural Foundation and hosted by the Washington Sorichung Korean Music institute. DATE: Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018 TIME: 7pm -8pm PLACE: Soricha & Sorichung Theater 7112 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 Ticket Price: $20/ Family pack for 4 $50 ENG. Experience traditional fusion music featuring the harmony of Korean and Western musical instruments through the "Lautarian : Korean Gypsy Project" with K0N, the first gypsy violinist in Korea, and Rami Seo, an accomplished gayakeumist and ethnomusicologist from New York. "Lautari" is an elite music group among Gypsy musicians. Performing artist, KoN, combines this with "an" from "Korean" and "musician" to describe Nuevo Korean Gypsy music. KOR 'Lautari' 란 집시음악가 중에서도 엘리트 음악집단을 지칭하는 단어로, 여기에 KoN이 'Korean'과 'Musician'의 공통된 어미(語尾)인 'an'을 접목하여 “한국 음악인이 만들어낸 라우타리 음악”이라는 의미를 부여했다. <Lautarian : Korean Gypsy project> 를 통해서 한국 최초의 집시바이올리니스트 KoN과 뉴욕을 중심으로 활발한 음악활동을 하는 가야그미스트 Rami Seo의 음악세계를 만나볼 수 있다. 이번 공연은 한국악기와 서양악기의 조화, 국악과 서양음악이 조화를 이루는 새로운 경험의 시간이 될 것이다. Space is limited. To reserve your spot you can purchase tickets at SORICHA.com or in store in advance. During performance hours we will NOT be accepting customers without tickets. Sorry for the inconvenience. BIO: Violinist KoN - The First Gypsy Violinist in Korea, also had two concerts in Hungary, forming a team with Hungary gypsy musicians. - Graduated from Seoul National University college of Music, which is top and the most famous University in Korea, with honors, and also graduated from the same university graduate school with honors. - Not only the Violinist, he has many jobs including Singer, Composer, Musical Actor, TV Drama Actor, Music Director. - In Korea, released 2 full-length Album, 6 Digital Single Album In Japan, released 1 full-length Album (Nuevo Impacto) - Debuted as a model in New York Style Fashion Week. Violin & Vocal, KoN - https://www.nuevokon.com RamiSeo is an accomplished Gayakeumist who performs an expansive repertoire on the12- string and 25-stringGayakeum, including traditional Korean court music, sanjo epics, Gayakeum byong-chang, and contemporary compositions. She has performed in Korea,Japan,China, SouthAmerica and theU.S as a soloist at 1988 SeoulOlympics Anniversary Commemoration, the National Grand Theater of Korea, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, UN, BlueNote, Smalls,The KennedyCenter, ByantPark, TimeSquare, SmithsonianMuseum, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Cannon House in the White House, and Yo-YoMa’s SilkRoad Project. She is the founder and music director of GEMINY & project World Music Ensemble. She is currently popular mainDJ of FM87.7 NY RadioKorea "Rara Land"Mon-Fri4-6pm and "Lalala" Sat.10-11am and also an ambassador of World Hug Foundation avdocating adoptees's right. Gayageum, Rami Seo- https://www.facebook.com/RAMISEOheavenlygayakeumist/ Seoul Music: Korean Sanjo Meets New York Jazz presented by the Asia Society
2018 New York Sanjo Festival Monday, Aug 10, 2018, 7:30 pm (Door open at 6:00 pm) Soricha & Sorichung Theater 7112 Columbia Pike., Annandale. VA 22003 Tickets: $30 General Sanjo shares the stage with American jazz and blues traditions, as well as klezmer music. Sanjo is a form of Korean music with its origin in the music of the Korean indigenous shaman culture and pansori (epic story-telling sung drama) tradition. An improvised multi-movement solo genre, the soloist interacts with the rhythmic accompaniment of the janggu (double-headed drum). This show features some of the most renowned Korean performers together with outstanding Grammy award-winning jazz artists: Lee Tae-Baek (ajaeng); Yi Jiyoung (gayageum); Kim Sung-Ah(haegeum); Gamin (piri); Sita Chay (violin); Frank London (trumpet) and Ned Rothenberg (saxophone). For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit SORICHA.COM "Korean Traditional Magic Show, Josen Magicion" "A Joseon Magician": America's first and Korea's one and only traditional Korean magic show-musical. Featuring traditional Korean pansori (folk music)and traditional Korean magician Lee Kyongjae, this comprehensive storytelling sand art magic show-musical, sand art by Shin Miri, is an exceptional opportunity to experience traditional Korean culture. Anyone and everyone of all ages, ethnicities, and genders can enjoy, feel, and appreciate the beauty of this world-class magic- musical. free for 0-3 year-olds). Come reserve your seats right away! INFO: Regular Admission $15 Free drink pack $20 (regular admission with choice of one free iced beverage) Family pack $40 (pay $40 for 4 person entry! No free drinks included) Soricha Mailing List Exclusive: If you signed up for our Soricha mailing list, you can purchase regular admission ticket for $10 (regular admission with choice of one free iced beverage) KOR 미국 최초, 한국 유일, 한국 최고의 한국전통 마술 뮤지컬 [조선 마술사] 한국전통 판소리, 한국 음악 연구소 소리청과 한국최고의 전통 마술사 이경재 한국 최고의 샌드아트 by 신미리 작가가 하나된 종합예술작품으로 한국의 전통문화를 재밌고, 유익하게 경험해볼수 있는 스토리텔링이 있는 마술뮤지컬 0세부터120세까지 나이,인종,성별이 상관없이 3대가 다함께 웃음과 감동을 느낄 수 있는 고품격 매지컬 Magical 티켓은 소리차에서 그리고 온라인으로 판매중 $15.00(입장권), $20.00(입장권 + 음료비포함), (현재 티켓은$ 15불, 음료포함 $20불 / 소리차리언 메일링 멤버들은 $10 에 (입장권,음료비포함)... 가족 티켓은 $40 에 4분이 입장 가능하십니다.(입장권) 지금 바로 달려가세요~ 7월24일 월요일 저녁 8시 소리차 전통 극장으로 오세요!
01.18.2017 Pansori Performance by Pansori Master Jin Sook Choi @ Soricha & Sorichung Theater
About Master Jinsook Choi
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